Adorably Pathetic: Carl’s Winking for Your Attention

Meet Carl, the chameleon who’s mastered the art of looking absolutely helpless and endearing at the same time. With those big, glassy eyes and that tiny, awkward grip on his branch, he’s practically begging you to say, “Aww.” And, just to seal the deal, he throws in a little wink—because Carl knows you’re a sucker for cute and pitiful all rolled into one.

This isn’t just a lizard; it’s a tiny, scaly bundle of needy charm. He’s not asking for much—just a little love, a bit of attention, and maybe a fly or two if you’ve got one lying around. So, go ahead, give Carl a moment of your time. He’s been practicing this look all day just for you.

Click samples below or USE THE REQUEST link to have it put on different swag merchandise.


111 Breaking Mews


115 Rub My Belly